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Original Article By Jim Hoft At

Breaking: Volodymyr Zelensky approved the operation with US allies to blow up the Russian Nord Stream Pipeline to Europe.

Via Euro News:

• German prosecutors on Thursday issued the first arrest warrant in their investigation into the undersea explosions in 2022 that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines to Europe.

• German media outlets reported in a joint report that federal prosecutors obtained an arrest warrant in June against a Ukrainian national who may be living in Poland.

• The individual was identified as Volodymyr Z. (what a strange coincidence?)

• The explosion caused 800 million cubic meters of gas, equivalent to about 3 months of Danish gas supplies, to escape.

According to reports: The CIA knew Ukraine blew it up – and the CIA and Biden regime lied to the American public for two years now!

Intel expert Mike Benz also commented on the real culprits: “Again just to remind what giant pieces of sh*t these ppl are, they’re only “leaking” this disinfo now bc Germany just arrested the Ukrainian diver who blew it up & NYT already printed that UKR’s intel is run top-down by the CIA, so Germany knows CIA knew, so CIA has to say this.”

This whole time the CIA, State Department, Biden White House, and media outlets in the know were lying to the American public about the explosion!

In February 2024, Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the interview Putin told him the CIA blew up the pipeline.

The Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were blown up by explosions measuring 2.3 on the Richter scale, in 230 ft. of water, in two spots 40 miles apart. German, Danish and Swedish authorities promised investigations but have not published official findings. On March 27, 2023, the UN Security Council rejected calls by Russia and China for an international investigation.

On Feb. 8, 2023, veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a detailed account of how the Biden administration’s National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, instructed the CIA to destroy the Nord Stream pipelines in December 2022, well before the start of the war. Hersh’s detailed account remains the most convincing version of the events, although it is routinely either “debunked” or ignored by the mainstream press, who prefer to speculate about anonymous Ukrainians who blew up the massive, 3-inch thick concrete and steel pipelines using a sailboat.

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